Start-up Costs for a Motives Cosmetics Business

As a Motives Cosmetics Independent Distributor, I speak to dozens of folk who are considering becoming a Motives Beauty Advisor.  One of the first, questions that people ask is “What does it cost to register my business?”.   This is a very important questions and I am happy to share the answer here.  This post outlines all of the one-time start up costs as well as the ongoing costs of maintaining your Motives Cosmetics Business with Market America, Market Australia or Market United Kingdom.

  • United States and Canada
  • Australia
  • United Kingdom

One-time Costs:

Most people start their business with the Motives Fast Start Kit of the Lumière de Vie Skincare Fast Start Kit  for $449.95+tax. These kits includes the annual subscription and will allow you to start your business with your commission banks already opened. In addition to a very nice selection of products, the Fast Start kits include business building tools such as product catalogs, the Getting Started Guide, and Annual Reports. There are other Fast Start Program kits available for folk that are more interested in  building a business with our Health and Nutrition and Personal Care, Weight Management, or Web Center Divisions.

Motives Fast Start Kit


The New Skincare Fast Start Kit

If you do not have the necessary funds to register your business with the Fast Start Program Kit, the Motives Beauty Advisor Application Kit (at $169.95 plus tax) may be considered.  When you start with this option you will earn retail profit immediately for any products that you sell. However, your commission banks will not be open until you qualify your business with orders totaling 200 BV (commission points) of product.  Depending what products you select, it will likely require between $300-$400 in additional purchases at distributor cost before your commission banks are opened. There is also a General Starter Kit available with Health and Nutrition products.

Ongoing Expenses:

Unfranchise Management System (UFMS) – $ 21.95 USD / $22.18 CAD / Month
This is your online back-office. It is the software that allows you to manage and monitor your business. The first 2 months of UFMS are included with each Fast Start  or Starter Kit.

Annual Subscription Renewal – $119.95 / Year
This occurs every year on your anniversary month. It is a renewal of the initial subscription.

Sales Volume Requirements:

Quarterly Volume Requirement – Distributors are required to order/sell $200 (retail) of products each quarter.

Unfranchise Autoship – The Unfranchise Autoship is a monthly order that is required in order to keep our commission banks open from month-to-month.  The products in your Unfranchise Autoship may be counted toward the quarterly volume requirement. These are products that you purchase at wholesale to sell to customers or to use in your household or business.

The Unfranchise Autoship typically begins in the third month. As your business income grows, the amount increases based on the following guidelines:

  • New Owner: 50 Business Volume (BV); 10 Internet Business Volume (IBV); UFMS = approx. $105 USD.
  • After $300 in commissions: 100 BV; 10 Internet Business Volume (IBV); UFMS = approx. $185 USD
  • After $1,500 in commissions: 150 BV; 10 Internet Business Volume (IBV); UFMS = appox. $260 USD
  • The amount will never increases again after that.

Please Note: Most folk that work with Motives use their Unfranchise Autoship for Motives products since this allows them to build a bigger kit and/or gives them products to sell to their customers. However, your Unfranchise Autoship is not limited to cosmetics and skincare. Motives Cosmetics is a division of a larger company, Market America. You may choose to include products from any of our other product categories: health and nutrition, weight management, personal care, pet health, auto care, home and garden, and more. Your Unfranchise Autoship should not cost money that you are not already spending for your household or business. You may simply replace retail brands that you are already buying at local stores with our own brands with the added benefit that you get to purchase equal or better products at distributor cost. If you have any questions about this I will be very happy to explain it in more detail.

Required Training:

  • New Distributor Training ($5 online) – in your first 30 days
  • Basic 5 ($5 online) – in your first 30 days
  • ECCT ($50 in person) – after you earn $1500 in commissions

Strongly Recommended Training:

  • Local Seminar in your area (Quarterly) – Tickets are $30 for 1 day
  • International Convention in Greensboro, NC (August) – Tickets are $200 for 4 full days of training
  • World Conference in Miami, FL (February) – Tickets are $200 for 3 full days of training

If you want to succeed, then you should consider the Strongly Recommended training as required. These training are part of the proven business system.

To utilize the new Motives Partner Now process:

If you are interested in learning more about working with Motives Cosmetics, check out the three ways you can earn an additional income with this amazing line:

  1. You can launch your own Beauty Business as a Motives Beauty Advisor
  2. Become a Motives Pro Artist or
  3. Get Started with Motives and Me, our program for teens 14-18 years of age
Fill out my online form.

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  1. I’m interested in becoming an motives member…

  2. Shayla,

    I have emailed you some information. Looking forward to speaking with you once you provide your full contact information.


  3. Can you send me information on becoming a distributor.

  4. I’d like additional info on business opportunity

  5. I just emailed you some information. Please email me back and let me know the best time and number to reach you to discuss your goals and how Motives Cosmetics can help you achieve them.

  6. Sure thing. I emailed you with more information on 12/15.

  7. I’m interested to become motives pro artist 🙂 send me some informations please 🙂

  8. Nauja,

    I am very sorry that the Motives Pro Artist Program is only open to professionals in the United States and Canada.


  9. I’m interested in becoming an motives pro makeup artist please send me information.

  10. Selena,

    I’ve sent you several email. One on the Pro Artist program and anther on a regular distributorship. Please reply to my email so that we can discuss your goals.


  11. I would like info on the business opportunity.

  12. Please send me information on the Pro Artist program and on a regular distributorship. I am interested in both! Thanks.

  13. I would like info on selling motives cosmetics.

  14. Desiree,

    I sent you some information. Looking forward to hearing back from you.


  15. Please send me information on the Pro Artist program and on a regular distributorship. I am interested in both! Thank You so much!

  16. I’m interested!! But don’t know where and how to start! I love everything!

  17. I sent you information to review. Please write back or call.


  18. Ann,

    I emailed you some information on January 29th. Please write or call me and I can answer more of your questions.


  19. Lisa,

    I emailed you some information on January 25th. Please write back or give me a call and I’ll be happy to answer more of your quetions.


  20. Sherita,

    I sent you some information.


  21. Christina Ramirez

    I’m interested in hearing more about this and getting started please.

  22. Christina,

    I emailed you some information. I am still waiting to hear back from you to answer more questions.


  23. Please send information on the Motives opportunity.

  24. Erika,

    I emailed you additional information on the Pro Artist Program (in case it applies) and on becoming a distributor.


  25. Hello! Can you please send me some info regarding the Pro Artist Program and on a regular distribution…. I have the application filled out and now Im stuck. Thankyou so much look forward to joining!

  26. Shameka,

    I just emailed you more information on both ways that you can partner with Motives. I would be happy to answer all your questions over the phone.


  27. Great. Thankyou. I am also a hairstylist so my schedule is tight.. I am in Ohio. Can you call me at 5pm? A client is coming at 4 I want to get her settled 🙂

  28. Yes. Please provide your phone number and I will be happy to call. If you provide it here, it will not be displayed to the public.


  29. I’m interested in hearing more about motives

  30. Jane,

    Thanks. I sent you some information by email. Please let me know the best time and number to call so that I can answer your questions.


  31. Information on what the difference between a Pro Artist and Regular Advisor.

    I’m a licensed cosmetologist in CA who works in a salon.

  32. Bree,

    The Pro Artist program is designed for industry professionals to allow them to work with Motives and to be able to get paid for their referrals. Rather than referring their customers to somebody else’s counter to buy products, you would have your own Motives Cosmetics web site and be able to purchase Motives products at distributor cost. Motives Pro Artists are limited to earning the retail profit on any of their product referrals. As a Motives Beauty Advisor, you have all of the benefits of being a Pro Artist PLUS you can also build a team of other folks that are interested in working with the line and you can earn additional commissions based on all of your sales and the sales of everyone in your team.

    I will send you more information by email.


  33. I’m a freelance MUA. I’d like more info on how this whole process works.


  34. Trinita,

    I emailed you some information on the 4th. Hopefully you received it.


  35. Hello I sell Mary Kay as of now as you all know I make 50% of what I sell in Mary Kay. But they don’t have a lot of make like I would want them to. How much percentage will I be making with motives cosmetics. Please email me back. Thank you!

  36. VD,

    Motives Cosmetics pays up to 40% gross retail profit before factoring commissions. In addition, we have a unique compensation plan that lets you also earn commission on everything that you sell as well as on 100% of the volume of everyone in your team. I just sent you a few additional email including links to a product overview and an overview of our compensation plan.

    Motives is one division with products in many additional categories including health and nutrition, cosmetics, skin care, weight management, personal care, baby/childrens care, pet health, automotive care, house and garden, pool and spa, financial services and web sites. We have thousands of products across all these categories. As a Motives distributor, you are not limited to makeup and skin care. You may sell products and build your team of distributors across all of the company’s divisions.


  37. Could you send it again I didn’t get it I just added another email ..

  38. Vd.,

    I emailed you the information again a few days ago to the new address that you provided. Please write back to let me know if you received it this time. If you do not see the email, please check in your spam folder. Perhaps it got filtered there.


  39. Hi Jonathan! Can you please forward that information to me? The difference between a Pro Artist program and a regular distributorship? Thanks! 🙂


  40. Frankie,

    I emailed you detailed information on Thursday the 18th by email. Here is the short version though:

    The Pro Artist Program is designed for beauty industry professionals in the United States and Canada to allow them to incorporate Motives Cosmetics into their business so that they can use and sell Motives Cosmetics products rather than sending their clientele to somebody else’s makeup counter and not getting paid for their referral. Pro Artists may purchase Motives Cosmetics products at distributor cost and earn a profit by selling them at suggested retail.

    As a Motives Cosmetics distributor, you get everything that a Pro Artist does. In addition, you are able to build a team of other makeup artists, enthusiasts and (in addition to retail profits) earn commissions on everything that you sell and all the sales generated by your team. Distributors are able to develop a leveraged, ongoing income. You also have access to a much wider variety of products spanning over a dozen different categories.