Don’t just cover your imperfections, correct them! Eliminate your complexion concerns with the Motives 4-in-1 Color Correction Quad. Whether it’s dark under eye circles, redness, dark spots, or dullness.
An interactive Color Correction Guide is now available. This easy-to-use tool shows users how to choose the Color Correction Quad that best matches their skin tone and concern.
Motives Color Correcting Quad No. 1 (Light to Medium)

Yellow: Neutralizes hyper-pigmentation and dark spots on all skin tones.

Peach: Neutralizes dark under-eye circles, dark spots and brightens fair/medium skin tones.

Lavender: Neutralizes dullness on light, tan, or olive skin with yellow undertone.

Green: Counteracts redness (i.e. from Rosacea, acne, broken capillaries, and sunburn).
Motives Color Correcting Quad No. 2 (Tan to Deep)

Tan: A blending and concealing shade.

Purple Tan: Neutralizes dark circles on deep skin tones.

Yellow: Neutralizes hyper-pigmentation and dark spots on all skin tones.

Brick Orange: Counteracts dark under-eye circles on tan to dark skin tones; also neutralizes veins.
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